by Pastor Paul
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The Crown of Life from Zion Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ohio |
The Sovereignty
of God is the Biblical teaching that God rules as King and there is
no one above Him that He must answer
to. This is one of the key attributes of God as the Holy Scriptures
clearly show in many passages. One example of this is Deuteronomy
10:17 which says, “For
the Lord your
God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and
awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.”
However, though God is Sovereign, that is NOT His primary attribute.
God’s primary attribute is His mercy, for which all Christians are
eternally grateful.
teachings of Calvinism hold that God is sovereign above all else, and
His sovereignty never gives way to any of His other attributes. This
leads Calvinists into false teachings such as double predestination,
which wrongly says that God predestines some people to salvation and
others to damnation. They rationalize that if God is sovereign above
all else, then He determines all things that happen, both good and
bad. As a result of this false teaching, Calvinists end up with a god
who is essentially evil, because he is responsible for evil. This is
one reason why many Calvinists end up as atheists. This teaching of
Calvinism overlooks one glaringly obvious teaching of Scripture, and
is refuted on nearly every page of the Bible, which I will do below.
to many of the teachings of Calvinism are the teachings of
Arminianism, which holds that man has free will. In practice this
means that they essentially believe man is sovereign. This is so
obviously false that it would be laughable if it didn’t lead so
many people to their destruction. If sinful man has free will then he
can do as he wills, and therefore has this power over God. This is so
easy to prove wrong that I have already refuted this in the first
paragraph above in the Deuteronomy passage where God rules over all
other gods and lords (including the willful Christian). Arminianism
leads people to atheism (or the worship of one’s self as god) even
more quickly than Calvinism. (If you wonder how both Calvinism and
its opposite can both be wrong see my article, “Heresies and Half-Truths”).
God’s sovereignty is one of the main attributes ascribed to Him in
Holy Scripture, it isn’t His primary attribute. This is to say that
although God is sovereign, He doesn’t exert His sovereignty to the
exclusion of all His other attributes. It is easy to show this, and I
can do it with just one word: Jesus.
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God humbled Himself to be born of the Virgin Mary |
life of Jesus shows us that
God’s sovereignty is not His primary attribute. From the moment of
His incarnation at His
conception, Jesus humbled
Himself to live as one of the people He created. This is so
beautifully described by Saint Paul in Philippians 2:5-8,
attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God
something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very
nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in
appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death
– even death on a cross!”
Though Jesus was (and is)
the sovereign God, He did not exert His sovereignty during His
earthly ministry. If He had, He wouldn’t have been born in
Bethlehem, and He certainly wouldn’t have been
caught dead (so
to speak)
lying in a manger. And speaking of being caught dead, if Jesus had
been sovereign above all else, He certainly wouldn’t have been
caught dead (literally)
nailed to a cross. But then He would have had to exert His sovereignty to condemn us all for our rebellion against Him, and there would be no forgiveness or salvation for anyone.
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Jesus humbled Himself and did not succumb to the temptation to rule on earth as king. (See Luke 4:1-13) |
Both in His life, and in His death, Jesus shows that His primary
attribute is His mercy. Though Jesus is, and was, the almighty
sovereign God, He set aside His mighty power and authority in order
to win forgiveness and salvation for us poor helpless sinners. Jesus
said, “my kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36) and He lived
that out from His conception to His death. Jesus did this on account
of His mercy, so that He could save us from our sin. Christ’s death
on the cross is not a sign of His weakness, but of His humbleness and
love for the people He created. (See my article: “The Humble God”)
Saint Paul describes Christ’s humility when he writes that
“(Christ) is the image of the invisible God.” (Colossians 1:15)
This means that because Jesus is God incarnate as a man, He does
exactly what God the Father or the Holy Spirit would do because He is
One God with the Father and the Spirit. So God is not ashamed to
humble Himself because Jesus is not ashamed to humble Himself and
show mercy. Jesus Himself taught, “The Son of Man came not to be
served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
(Matthew 20:28) Not only is Jesus merciful, but He delights in being
a servant for the sake of His beloved people in order to save us from
the consequences of our sin.
this means for Christians is that since
the Son of God humbled Himself,
we, too, ought to live humble lives. There is much admonition in the
Scriptures for Christians to be humble. This is, in part,
because we are God’s creation, and all people should humbly recognize God’s rule as our King and creator. But Christians especially ought to be humble in
recognition of the humbleness of the almighty, sovereign God as we see how He acts through Jesus. God
does not force anyone to believe in Him, so He does not exercise His
sovereignty in that way also, but
to all who believe in Him He rescues from sin and gives
eternal life.
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Jesus humbled Himself to save you from your sins (Window from Holy Cross Lutheran Church Detroit, Michigan) |
God always acted in a sovereign way then He would never let
adulterers and other sexual sinners harass Christians as they now
boldly do here in New Sodom (formerly, the United States of America).
Don’t get me wrong, I do not mind so much being called a bigot and
hateful, especially since I know it isn’t even close to being true,
and I certainly do not
equate that with persecution. Though I know that such rhetoric is
only a small step away from full-blown hate and the kind of
persecution that ends in murder. I
am aware that although we are likely to head in that direction (and
sooner rather than later), we
aren’t quite there yet.
Likewise, if Christ always acted according to His sovereignty, he
would not let His children be tortured by Muslim Jihadhists (for
example) nor crucified, nor beheaded. Muslims take this as weakness
on Christ’s part, but even there it is mercy. Jesus died for the
sins of the most murderous Jihadhist, and will forgive any and all
who repent of their sins and look to Him for Salvation.
Not only is Christ a God who does not ask His followers to
become murderers to gain a spot in Paradise, but He Himself paid the
price to redeem the worst murderer and idolater. Jesus offers
salvation as a free gift to all who trust in Him as their savior from
sin. Jesus uses His sovereign power to rescue us from death and to
give us eternal life. He doesn’t use His power to prevent the
temporal death which must come to all sinners. This is why Christian
martyrs are willing to forgive their murderers. Christians know that
not only did Jesus pay the price to redeem us from sin and death, but
He also has the power to restore us to life everlasting without sin,
and He has promised to give eternal life to all who believe in Him.
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